Levi and I were married on July 17th 2009, which is almost a year ago I can't believe it! We were married in Edmonton close to my family. We went to mexico on our honeymoon which was my first time out of Canada and the United States. We have had a good year together even with all the rough spots. Levi wants to be a car mechanic and is trying to find a job as an apprentice because he didn't get into Sait. I'm still in school upgrading to get into Sait, because I want to be a Respiratory Therapist. We went to Salt Lake for general conference. Met some of levi's old mission companions. It was fun but very tiring I've never been that busy we were always doing something between shopping, sight seeing, church and mission stuff. Some things missionaries do on there missions. But it was a fun weekend. After we got back we were driving to diner we hadn't even got a block away when we were rear ended I was hurt the most because I was sitting forward. Two weeks later on our way home from our chiropractor from the first accident the rental car we were rear ended again. We are slowly healing but it's getting better. But other than that we are fine and life is great, more updates to come!!!!!!!!!