Thursday, September 6, 2012

My little moments!

As I was sitting on the floor in the bathroom watching my daughter play in the bath, she looked up at me and gave me her cutest smile. And so I started thinking about all the cute things she does in my day that makes me so grateful to be a mom. Being a parent isn't easy (and I'm just starting!) it has its ups and its downs. But when those little moments pop up through out the day, it reminds me of the reason why I wanted to be a mother in the first place!!

  • I love my daughter with all my heart, and as she gets bigger and as she is learning more she gets even cuter. I love getting up in the morning to go get here as she's been playing in her bed for 10 min, opening the door to her room and when she finally sees me she gives me a smile and is begging me to pick her up. 
  • Or as I feed her a breakfast of pears and cheerios, and she is so impatient to eat her food that she starts getting mad at me for not feeding her fast enough.
  •  Or the look on her face as I sit her on the floor and bring out her big basket full of toys that she knows she can dig through, make a mess to find her favourite toys at the bottom 
  • When I sing to her or if a fun song is playing and i take her and start dancing with her around the house.
  • The look of pure joy on her face when her daddy gets home from work, he always gets the biggest smiles from her.
  • When she is sitting in the bath playing with her toys and splashing around in the water, she is so happy with life and with water.

Then there are the starting of new things and the discovery of how things work. It started when she first rolled over, she was so proud of herself then. And she waited for daddy to be home to do it!! Then when she was taught to give high fives while camping, after a while she would only do it with great encouragement. She went from that to sitting on her own and the next thing I know she sitting there clapping her hands. I had to take a video for her daddy so he could see. I was so excited!! She loves doing it cause of the sound!! Now as she is starting to "try" and crawl I wonder whats going to happen next, it'll be crazy and messy and wild but so worth it. I love watching her grow up and I love the little moments of smiling and snuggling that make being a mom the best job in the world!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012


So Levi and I got to go to the temple on the 1st of September!!! It had been way to long since the last time we had gone. It was a nice treat, we have both missed going. We planned to go weeks before and as the time got closer and closer it was all I could think about and talk about with Levi.

We went down the night before and stayed at the motel with the pool. We got Joclyn a little boat to swim in, but she was to tired to do much but let us push her around the pool.

The next morning we got up and ready, while Joclyn still slept. She woke up about twenty to eight so I fed her and we left. We made it to the eight thirty session just in time to! 

As I went through the session I had so many questions, but the lord worked in mysterious ways. He calmed my mind answered my prayers and I left with a peace of mind that I hadn't had in a long time I didn't want to leave. I'm so grateful to parents and family for helping us get there and taking car of our baby at the same time. It was wonderful to go down and be able to be taught by the Lord, and to be reassured that everything is all right. 

I can't wait for the Temple in Calgary to be done. We live a ten minute walk away, and I know there are many who will come babysit for us so that we can go more often then not. I feel so blessed to have a temple so close and that I will be able to go more often. It is hard to get away with a little one, but when we were there I wasn't worried at all about Joclyn. I know when we are doing the right thing the Lord will take car of her and those who are watching her. 

Thanks Mom and Dad Guidi and Leia and Cory!!!

I wanted a picture of us at the temple in Cardston but Joclyn had her nap so this is of us in Hawaii