Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Day Joclyn was Born
So it's been just over a year since I've blogged and it's been a crazy year! Around this time last year Levi and I were processing the fact that we were expecting our first child. We were so excited and I'm not going to lie but a little nervous. I wasn't super sick during the pregnancy but there were days I felt horrible. I stopped working the end of november and I spent my time nesting and packing. (The house we lived in was up for sale, thats a whole other story.)


Our birth story is short but intense, we were (according to our due date,) a week and a half over due. So we went in to be induced on the 31st of December. We got the call at about 10:30 in the morning and went to the hospital where they admitted us and we went up to labour and delivery. When they checked to see how dilated I was, I was only 2 cm dilated so they couldn't do much so they stuck a water balloon up there to help me dilate faster and sent us down to anti partum. We spent 5 hours down there walking around waiting for the balloon to finally fall out. When it did they sent us back up to labour and delivery. Checked me I was 3-4 cm so they decided that instead of starting drugs that would break my water and see what would happen from there. In 20 min I went from sporadic contractions to them being every 3 to 3 1/2 min. Full on labour! We had decided to try to an all natural birth, so no drugs unless absolutely needed. So we walked around  a bit to help till I wanted to get in the shower. We were in the shower for 45 min before we got out, the nurse wasn't getting a good read on baby's heart beat so they wanted me in bed to do some more monitoring. Still couldn't get a good read. The doctor came in at that point and decided to check me as well as put a heart monitor on the baby's head to get a better read. I was 5 cm but her heart rate was dropping. NICU was called in and before we new it I was being wheeled to surgery for a c-section. They had to knock me out completely because I didn't have an epidural and they needed to get her out ASAP. Levi went through most of the drama, he wasn't aloud in because I wasn't awake so he was behind a curtain with no idea what was going on. He was worried about me and the baby. But she came out healthy and screaming (according to Levi). When I came to he was holding our daughter and smiling at me. Joclyn Jassie Guidi was born on December 31st at 10:10 pm, healthy and happy!!

Joclyn was 6 pounds 6 ounces when she was born and 21 inches long. We fell in love with her right away and she has brought so much joy to our lives. She is now 4 months old and weighs 13 pound 6 ounces. We've been busy with her and our lives have been completely different. In a good way. I love being a mother and I think my daughter is amazing and beautiful!!!

Enjoy the rest of the pictures, more stories to come!!!

Joclyn at 2 months

First Family Photo by Megan Stoneman

Daddy and Joclyn

Joclyn in her Blessing Dress

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our Car Journey

Since Levi got home from Oklahoma we have had some fun times with our car. We started dating right after he got home and since then we have had issues. It always happens when we feel like things are starting to go well. The first time we were engaged things were going well and we were on our way home from institute when we hit a huge pot hole on the passenger side, we immediately realized that we had blown the tire. So we pulled over to change the wheel, when we got out we hadn't only blew out the tire but we actually cracked the rim in half it was crazy. The biggest problem was is that the rim is a 900$ aluminium for our sports car. Neither one of us had the money for that so we began the search for a cheaper rim and tires. Luckily Levi found one for 250$ I can't remember how much the tires were but we got a few. After that things went smoothly.

The next thing that happened with the car, I had just gotten a job at Home Depot when I get this call from Levi. He had parked the car at the Home Depot down at chinook. He was working downtown at the time and he took transit but they had just started making you pay for parking at the station. So anyways he got back to the car when a lady ran out to meet him. She sells honey in the Home Depot parking lot. She had witnessed are car being hit an run on the passenger side bumper they had scratched it from the gas cap all the way back. According to the honey lady it was a black male in a white truck, he had decided to park beside our car, and then he apparently changed his mind and as he was backing out of the parking spot he scratched our car in the process and moved to a different spot. Well the honey lady saw this and went and grabbed his information and then waited around till Levi showed up. So we called the police and they came to our house grabbed all the info from us and they said they would inform us if something came of it. Well nothing did, but we paid the 200$ fee to our insurance company to get it fixed. It looked great after that.

So a few months went by and it seemed like things were going great we even went to utah for conference in april. It was fine until a week after we got back from utah. We had just got off work, I needed to run home and shower and get ready because we were going out to diner that night with Levi's parents. Now we live close to 16th ave which is always really busy. Now we were waiting to get onto 16th in the middle of rush hour, and this young gentlemen was nice and let us in, we didn't get very far because the light was red, so because we were stopped I decided to finish my make up so I was leaning forward to do my make up when the guy behind us who let us in decided to rear end us. We own a little sports car and he was in a Tahoe SUV. Since it was rush hour and we were in the far right lane he couldn't turn into the cars so he tried turning into the sidewalk which means he hit the passenger side (my side). Anyways I was sitting forward when he hit so I went farther forward and then all the way back, it really hurt. So we pull over get all of the information from him look at the car which seemed fine. This kid who hit us was maybe my age dressed like a gangster it was kinda funny. So anyways we get back on the road and go to diner with his parents. They of coarse are telling us what we need to do and so on. We get home and I have a head ache so we both took drugs. The next day was worse I went to work but I don't even think I stayed for three hours I was in so much pain. So needless to say we were rear ended. But thats not all TWO weeks later Levi had just picked up the rental car to get our car fixed. We were on our way home from our chiropractic appointment from the first accident. We were once again sitting at a red let not far from home at all and because of the first accident Levi was checking the rear view mirror more often. As he was looking he saw a car coming up behind us but he couldn't see the driver so naturally he swears witch tipped me off and tried to move out of the way but the rental car wasn't fast enough. He once again hit my side but this time you could see the damage he put a hole right through he bumper of the rental car. I was forewarned so my injuries weren't as bad. The kicker to this one was the fact that after we contact the rental company and then did a police report because of the damages and then the insurance company the gentlemen who hit us decided to lie and say he didn't hit us. That was fun!!!

So we kept going to chiro and going to Levi's mom (who is a massage therapist) and trying to deal with the 4 insurance companies (ours, the first guy who hit us , the second guy who hit us and the rental cars insurance company). Until we found out that the first guy who hit us wasn't insured at the time so now everything has to go through a lawyer or else we are going to get nothing out of it. So we hired a lawyer. After that things were going really well, jobs were going well everything was fine. Until the freak hail storm which attacked our car. So we took it in once again to get it fixed, they almost wrote the car off thats how much hail damage was on our car, but they were nice and didn't.

After that nothing we were good nothing happened for the rest of 2010 thank heavens, but just as thing were going really well in 2011, Levi with his new job everything was great. But we have discovered that as soon as life is good satan doesn't like and he uses our car to get at us. He had just dropped me off at work it was january and snowy he was headed to work. He was stopped at a red light again there was another guy stopped behind him a little close to him when another guy plowed into the guy behind levi who plowed into Levi. He wasn't expecting this so he was quite hurt. So we sent this to the lawyer because it was easier to deal with when it comes to injuries. So he was headed to chiro more often and seeing his mom.

Things just got back to normal and then the abs, service, tc control and engine light came on but we were doing ok. Then because we live in calgary and our weather is crazy, last saturday the 26th of march we were driving and the roads sucked they were super icy as we were turning a corner and we hit black ice, well because our abs brakes weren't working we just slide right into the curb and the top picture is what happened. We hit the curb and a piece of the rim on the drivers side popped off, but the wheel was holding so we were able to drive on it still which was nice. So the search began again but we were even luckier to find a guy who was selling the rim we needed on kajiji for 125$ who lived close to us and it was the only person who was selling them. The miracle thing was he had put his post on like two days before we needed it. So Levi went up with a friend and grabbed it and changed it. Now we are in the middle of trying to figure out what else is going on with our car.

I'm am so thankful for the Lord and my testimony because I would not be able to do this if I didn't know that I couldn't handle, and for the many blessing I do receive from him on a daily bases.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Missing Cameron

So my little brother got his mission call, he is leaving me for two years to go to serve the people of Romania. We all gathered at Superstore in the middle of the electronics department where he works we gave him his envelope so he could open it. He then proceeded to read his call silently, we all wanted to know where he was going we finally got him to read to us what it said. I don't think that anyone in our family really expected him to go to Romania but thats where he is going. He is to report to the mtc on June 29 which is my dads birthday. While he is at the mtc he will be there for about three months to learn the romanian language. I know he will learn it quickly he seems to have a knack for that.

The worst thing about him leaving though is that I'm going to miss him so much!!! We have had times where we absolutely hated each other and at others we were really annoyed, but in the last year as I've been married and Cameron's been in university we have had a tone of amazing times. Since he started university he has come over to our house to hange out and go to institute once a week. I have loved him coming over and being able to see him that often. I have gotten to know him really well, I have watched him go through hard times and good times. I have been able to help him and be there for him when he needed me. I love him so much it hurts to think he is leaving and going somewhere without me, but at the same time I know he needs to do this and he needs to do it on his own.

I am going to miss him so much. I'm going to miss his spirit, his personality, his laugh and his smart remarks. He is my little brother and he means everything to me. He will do great on his mission and I know he will love the people. I know he will be blessed for serving a mission, and although he is gone for two years I will get him back. I will love writing letters to him and sending pictures as well as receiving them. I will love to watch him grow in the gospel and learn about all the strange food he will eat (he is kinda picky lol). I know he will come back stronger in the gospel, taller then I can imagine and more a man than ever.


Monday, July 26, 2010

One Year Anniversary

Levi and I have been married for a whole year! I can't believe it!!! So to celebrate we decided to go camping, just the two of us. We went to a campsite called Lac Des Arces.

So when we got to our campsite we had to unpack and set up, because our car is too small to fit everything into it so we didn't have room for firewood. After camp was set up we went into Canmore got some firewood and went back to have diner which was hot dogs.

While Levi was starting the fire and diner, I found a path from our campsite to the lake. So I grabbed the camera to take some photos. It was beautiful where we were and so peaceful!! It was perfect!

As we were sitting around the fire eating diner. We noticed something moving on the drivers side of the car. So we went to go check it out, there was a bird that was going between the side mirror and the car window on that side of the car. It was so funny Levi wanted a picture but when he walked up close enough to the car to get a photo the bird flew away. So he sat and waited to see if the bird came back it did but he never really got a good photo of the bird, so I took the camera and scared the bird off and got into the car.

The bird eventually came back and I got a good photo of the bird, well several good photos. He flew back in forth for hours until it got dark but he was back the next day bright and early. He came back everyday we were there. We called our camping pet. It was cute up until the bird continually pooped all over Levi's
side of the car. There was a lot of poo it took a while to clean off.

The next day which was the day before our anniversary, was rainy and not that great. So we spent a lot of time playing games, reading and having naps. I was half way through my nap when Levi came into the tent and changed into his swimsuit. I was by then fully awake and quite curious and what the heck he was doing. It was still raining and cold. So I grabbed the camera and followed him down to the lake. He was apparently to hot and needed a bath. He got into the water and for once in his live got cold. It took at least 20 min for him to fully dunk into the water. Well it took him so long to dunk that the camera turned off so I made Levi dunk again so I could take a picture. He wasn't to happy to stay in the water but he eventually warmed up.

Just after Levi got out of the water the sun decided to poke out and as soon as it did I turned around and made levi pose for me. It turned out so great it is one of my favourite pictures of him. He is holding sunlight soap in his hand, he was using the dish soap to wash off his sweat. He is so Handsome!!!!

We didn't do much that night not that we could it was still raining and cold at night. Levi borrowed a propane heater from his parents, it saved the night or I would have frozen to death. Not even Levi could get me warm without that heater.

The next day was our Anniversary, we woke up to sunshine and warmth, which was nice because it had rained the day before. We got up and made pancakes, with eggs and bacon. It was nice to just have Levi and I on our anniversary. After breakfast was cleaned up we got dressed and went on a hike.

We did a hike called Heart Creek trail. We didn't want to do a really hard hike so this was just perfect. It wasn't hard but it was really beautiful. When we got to the end of the hike there was suppose to be some falls. When we got there all we could do is listen to them the falls where hidden so you couldn't see them. So I became the tomboy and climbed up on this rock to get a better look at this waterfall.

Levi decided to follow me up to see the waterfall. The issue was getting back down the rock it was really slippery. So I went down first slowly and then levi followed. When Levi went down he decided to go fast instead of slowly. He almost ran into a tree and then me.

So after our hike we were both pretty warm and sweaty so we both got in the lake. It was super cold but it felt so good.

To celebrate our one year we had stake and baked potatoes on the fire. It was so great. Needless to say it was a ton of fun for the both of us.
I am so grateful for my wonderful husband and the year we have had together. I'm so excited for the rest of my life with him!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July is Here

Finally July is here, and the weather in Calgary is turning warm. I can get that tan I really want!!!Canada day was last thursday and was somewhat eventful. Levi and I along with my in-laws and there friends went down to Princess Island Park to celebrate. we sang O Canada and then watched the family theatre. It was put on by some U of C students, the funniest part about it was that one of the characters had to dress up as a baby and instead of finding clothes that fit he had taped a doll onto his chest but had cut off the head so it would be his head, I wished I'd gotten a picture of it! After that we just wandered around the island eating food and seeing some of the features they had there. Lots of and dancing and different Asian groups showing there cultures and making us Yummy food. All in all it was a fun day, crowded but fun!

So I would like to tell you a little bit more about mine and Levi's life. We are renting a house which is a nice size, its around 70 years old and very colourful. The outside is painted white and purple which doesn't look to bad. Inside is a whole other matter, the kitchen is lime green the dinning room is pink, half the basement is blue the other half is two different shades of purple. The only down to earth colours in our house is the bedroom and the bathroom. All the colours have made for interesting design techniques I've had to use, but it has come together really nicely. A lucky thing we do have is a landlord who doesn't care what we do with the yard as long as there is some grass and that we don't trash it. So with that freedom we have two fairly good sized garden plots. as well as flower garden for me! We also have a million chives growing in the back yard I was in the mood to take pictures and this is a picture of the flowers that grow on the chives. Anyways I'll stop boring you with my life for now and right something later!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our Story

Levi and I were married on July 17th 2009, which is almost a year ago I can't believe it! We were married in Edmonton close to my family. We went to mexico on our honeymoon which was my first time out of Canada and the United States. We have had a good year together even with all the rough spots. Levi wants to be a car mechanic and is trying to find a job as an apprentice because he didn't get into Sait. I'm still in school upgrading to get into Sait, because I want to be a Respiratory Therapist. We went to Salt Lake for general conference. Met some of levi's old mission companions. It was fun but very tiring I've never been that busy we were always doing something between shopping, sight seeing, church and mission stuff. Some things missionaries do on there missions. But it was a fun weekend. After we got back we were driving to diner we hadn't even got a block away when we were rear ended I was hurt the most because I was sitting forward. Two weeks later on our way home from our chiropractor from the first accident the rental car we were rear ended again. We are slowly healing but it's getting better. But other than that we are fine and life is great, more updates to come!!!!!!!!!